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Leadership that demands success before commitment will get neither…

Transformation is, in part, a psychological journey with a series of emotional responses. According to Lindsay Herbert*, these are in order denial, fear, anger, delight, and ultimately attachment to new technology and ways of working.

In the tax world currently, it’s safe to say that the denial phase is over. No one doubts tax authorities and organizations have taken technology adoption to the point where nothing will ever quite be the same again. A general acceptance has descended and digitalization can no longer be avoided.

The issue now is that we’re entering the fear stage.

However, it’s not a classic fear like in a horror movie. Instead, it’s more like the fear a deer feels when caught in the headlights and afraid of what to do next. This is especially true of senior budget influencers figuring out which way to turn in the face of tax’s digital onslaught. 

So, we need to help them. And to keep it simple, the best way to help them is with…

An Inspired Vision and Workable Plan 

This means that firstly, we must provide an insightful end-state vision – in other words, a depiction of what good looks like in the end, and why. Secondly, we must clearly describe how we plan to get there.

However, now there’s another problem – our vision & plan will change as we explore, discover & learn along the way, because this is the inalienable, and desirable, nature of innovation. Budget-holders naturally abhor this kind of uncertainty, leaving you with three choices:

  1. Hoodwink them – make promises that you yourself aren’t sure you can keep (some say this has been a fabulously successful business model for the big brands for years);
  2. Manipulate them – with HR or similar, but this then becomes a grudge purchase; or
  3. Work with them – because after the other options, they’re more than ready to hear a different story.

But they’re scared, and rightly so. Now what we need is a vision & plan that authentically conveys the following:

  • Low cost
  • Minimal disruption
  • Low risk
  • Not too time-consuming
  • Low impact, especially in the beginning
  • Based on accepted concept & principle
  • Has the best help available
  • Offers major learning experiences
  • Promises new outcomes
  • A real way to tackle ‘garbage in, garbage out’
  • Address root causes, not symptoms
  • Establishes future-proofing
  • Has independence
  • Brings short-term wins and…
  • Long-term strategic value.

And a few more advanced ones:

  • Harnesses technology without learning IT
  • Puts ‘data’ front & center
  • Values transformation over business process automation
  • A journey where success is created, not installed
  • Digitally empowers personnel & enhances career paths
  • Costs less than doing nothing!

Sound too good to be true? 

Well, it’s not. Not anymore. And we’re dedicating time, effort, and money to making absolutely sure you have a ground-breaking, convincing & compelling story for your stakeholders to ‘buy-in’ to.

Still not sure? Then put us to the test by joining our upcoming masterclass:

Tax Transformation Essentials   

3 Steps To Nirvana & Elevating Your Tax Career 

Tuesday 13th September 2022 @ 11:30 BST/ 12.30 CEST

I can tell you with absolute conviction that, 1) you need this, because it’s real and not a drill, and 2) I’ve got this, because it’s working now with your peers.

Come along and see for yourself. Prove me wrong if you can!

Last Few of 50 FREE Places Available!

* Lindsay Herbert, Digital Transformation: Build Your Organization’s Future for the Digital Age, Bloomsbury 2017 

Always a pleasure …

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