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Turning the global digital revolution to your advantage

The days when tax careers had a good degree of certainty and felt relatively safe are receding in the rear view mirror. Now, it frequently feels less comfortable as dramatic change intervenes, particularly of the digital kind. Tax professionals are wondering what the future holds, and concern levels are rising.

Yet, change is a double-edged sword. If approached correctly, it can be a good thing, but how do you know which side of the fence you fall on? Test yourself against these three principles:

Principle #1 – Do you have complete visibility into digitalized tax?

If responsibility for tax in the systems has been left to other groups or outsourced, then your visibility is minimal. A classic symptom of this is constant complaints about upstream, data, vendors, or all of the above.

Principle #2 – Are you in control of the systems from a tax perspective?

If you find yourself scrabbling for answers each time there is an issue, then you are not in control. You are also not in control if you lack an overall view or vision, and you feel uneasy about what you might not be seeing in the systems.

Principle #3 – Are you, your team, and your career future-proofed?

If you quietly fear what might happen next, or don’t like the look of the general direction of travel, then you are not future-proofed. It’s vital going forward that you have a good level of confidence in your ability to handle anything thrown at you, especially if it’s from the technology, digitalization, and transformation arenas.


For 20+ years, the last seven as PawPaw Taxology, we have examined, stretched, pulled and probed these critical questions, and we very much appreciate those of you who have been on this journey with us. However, that time has come to an end.

Coming Soon: A Change You Won’t Want To Miss

The discover & explore phase is over, and 2022 is the year taxology comes of age!

Shortly, you will see us transition to an improved and more complete taxological space. There will be a new look & feel, and better ways of partnering with our valued community to help them take advantage of the many changes happening in tax, no matter how dramatic.

We will keep our much-loved persona of insightful innovation, but expand & extend it with imaginative, yet effective ways to help you navigate real-world, digital-era problems, projects, and planning. This includes meaningful journeys of change that benefit all concerned.

Our relaunch is just days away. Watch this space!

PS. We will be retiring our company name even though it means a lot to us, rooted as it is in our founders, Geoff Peck & Bill Wilson, and their love of protecting African wildlife (PawPaw). The love will remain, but the company will reflect a fresh new direction. It’s time!

Take no action! You’re already along for the ride!

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